Cookie policy

In order to improve your surfing experience on our website we use cookies.
Cookies are small bits of data that are memorised and used in order to improve the surfing experience on websites. They are small strings of text downloaded when you visit certain webpages and locally stored on your computer for variable amounts of time. Cookies do not register users’ personal information and potentially recognizable data will not be stored.

Different kinds of cookies
We specify below the different kinds of cookies used by our website:

- Navigation cookies
These cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of our website. They permit surfing its pages and are used for storing information concerning the users’ navigation habits. Such information are used for compiling reports and help us improving our website. Navigation cookies collect information anonymously, including the number of visitors, their origin and the pages they have visited.

- Analytic cookies
These cookies allow us to know how visitors use our website, in order to evaluate and improve its performance and favour the production of contents that better meet the information needs of our users. For example, they allow us to know which ones are the most visited pages and for how long on average. They take into consideration, among other things, the number of visitors, the time spent on our website on average and the routing of users towards it. In such a way we can know what works well and what to improve, we can assure that pages are downloaded quickly and displayed correctly. All the information collected by these cookies are anonymous and not linked to users’ personal data.

The management of cookies
If you have any doubts or concerns concerning the use of cookies, you can always set restrictions on their usage by modifying the privacy settings of your web browser in order to prevent the use of some of them.
Follow the following links for the helping guides for the most common web browsers:

Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox

Continuing the surfing on this website or clicking anywhere on this page or scrolling down for displaying more contents you accept the Cookie Policy of Vicari & Associati S.r.l.
In order to find out more about cookies, read the legislation in force.
© Vicari Avvocati - Piva 11157550960