
Il nostro impegno: eccellenza e standard rigorosi.
"Vicari Avvocati is a benchmark law firm as regards trust law, dealing with the most difficult choices that a client can face. Andrea Vicari, in particular, is considered as a star in the industry and one of the few who have real competence on trust law as applied within the Italian framework. This is underlined by the fact that Andrea is working together with many financial intermediaries and that many law and tax firms in Italy ask for his advice. He is a specialist for specialists, with a significant eye also on the client’s ability to fully understand the legal consequences of his opinions in a practical matter. Everyone would recommend Andrea in Italy as one of the best lawyers on trust law».
(Citywealth – Leaders List)

"Founding partner Andrea Vicari excels at advising Italian families on estate planning and complex tax matters."
     (WWLegal - Privat Client 2024) 

"Andrea Vicari of Vicari Avvocati is very well regarded in the Italian market. He advises on tax matters, and has considerable experience in trust law."
(Chambers - HNW 2024) 

Le principali guide internazionali, - Chambers & PartnersWho’s Who LegalCityWealth - dedicate alle realtà professionali specializzate nel nostro campo d’attività, ci annoverano tra gli studi di riferimento del settore in Italia, riconoscendo la nostra professionalità nell’affiancare i clienti nelle loro esigenze di organizzazione e pianificazione patrimoniale.

L’Associazione Italiana Private Banking ammette tra i suoi soci un numero molto ristretto selezionatissimo di studi legali professionali che con queste collaborano con le istituzioni bancarie e finanziarie attive nel Private banking: Vicari Avvocati è tra questi. 

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  • Corso Venezia 7, 20121
  • + 39 02.09976056
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  • + 39 0721.370013